A Home for Our Community in the Bronx

 In: Announcements

On January 14, SAGE opened the doors to its new Center for LGBTQ+ older adults in the Bronx. With hot lunches, a cyber cafe, health and educational programs and more, SAGE Center Bronx promises to be a lively, warm and welcoming home for LGBTQ+ older adults in this historically underserved borough of New York City.


The Bronx opening was attended by SAGE participants, staff and supporters, including New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Comptroller Scott Stringer, and City Councilmembers Ritchie Torres, Maria del Carmen Arroyo, Daniel Dromm and Annabel Palma. It was particularly exciting to celebrate with Councilmember Torres, the first openly gay candidate to be elected to legislative office in the Bronx, who spearheaded the effort to fund SAGE’s expansion across New York City.

View our Flickr album for more photos of this exciting event, and read this recent New York Times article for much more about SAGE Center Bronx, and the larger SAGE Center expansion initiative, as well as comments from SAGE participants.

Cheers to our new Bronx family!

— Posted by Kira Garcia