Celebrating the Launch of the SAGE-GRIOT Innovative Senior Center of Brooklyn

 In: Announcements

Yesterday SAGE celebrated the launch of the SAGE-GRIOT Innovative Senior Center of Brooklyn, a new partnership with GRIOT Circle. The partnership is part of a citywide expansion of services for LGBTQ+ older adults funded by the New York City Council.  SAGE now serves community members in Brooklyn, Harlem, Midtown Manhattan and Staten Island–a major increase in its reach that means better services and supports for thousands of New Yorkers!

The SAGE/GRIOT Circle partnership enables both organizations to serve a larger number of participants with a greater breadth of programming, including exercise classes, support groups, case management and more.

The event was commemorated by a proclamation from New York City Council Member Carlos Menchaca, a member of the Council’s LGBTQ+ Caucus, as well as remarks from Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Department for the Aging Commissioner Donna Corrado, GRIOT Circle Board Treasurer Rev. Janyce Jackson- Jones, as well as GRIOT Circle members, who performed an original poem for the crowd. GRIOT Circle Executive Director Katherine Acey and SAGE Executive Director Michael Adams celebrated the collaboration, the potential for growth, and the beginning of a new chapter for both organizations.