SAGE Condemns Anti-Trans Attacks in Texas

 In: Announcements


From our youth to our elders, trans people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect at all ages. Trans elders unfortunately know all too well the implications of unjustly denied care simply because of who they are.

SAGE condemns the horrific message that Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton have sent trans kids and their families in Texas. It is crucial that we speak out opposing these messages of hate and reject all efforts that try to deny trans youth the right to live as their true selves.

Join us in supporting trans kids and their families in Texas – and subsequently across the country – by following in the footsteps of our trans trailblazers and refusing to be invisible. Though Governor Abbott letter has no legal precedent or weight, the impact of this directive will be felt by trans kids and their families in Texas, and trans people around the country who hear his words.

We must ensure that trans people across the country hear us louder: you deserve love, dignity, and respect at any age, no matter where you live.
