4th annual event honors LGBTQ+ elders
Enjoy an open bar and passed hors d’oeuvres at Cross & Orange in Asbury Park as we honor and celebrate LGBTQ+ elders in New Jersey. SAGE CEO Michael Adams will share highlights and updates from our work in New Jersey and across the country to advocate with, and on behalf of, LGBTQ+ pioneers.
As we reflect on this year’s 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who were at the forefront of the modern LGBTQ+ movement. These pioneers stood on the front lines of our community’s struggle for equality. Now we must make sure they have the support and resources they need to age with the dignity and respect they deserve. LGBTQ+ older Americans are at risk of losing some of their hard-fought rights. For more than 40 years, SAGE has been the leading organization advocating with and providing services to LGBTQ+ older adults, and your support of this annual event fuels our ability to meet the increasing demand for crucial services and advocacy.
This event is a unique opportunity to engage SAGE’s New Jersey supporters, comprised of individual and corporate donors, community partners, and policy advocates in the work which SAGE is advancing on a national level. Purchase sponsorships for SAGE & Friends New Jersey.
For more information about sponsorships, email Kate Lowry or call 212-741-2247 x222.

SAGE Event
September 28, 2019
1pm to 3:30pm
Cross & Orange
508 Cookman Avenue
Asbury Park, NJ 07712