Historic Convening on LGBTQ+ Aging

 In: Events

On Tuesday, November 17th, 2015, SAGE in collaboration with the Federal Administration for Community Living hosted a convening of consumers and influential stakeholders from state and local aging programs, the LGBTQ+ community and LGBTQ+ older adults, data and research experts, and federal aging officials, to analyze available research and data and identify next steps for enhancing Aging Services Network outreach to LGBTQ+ older adults.

The participants reflected the diversity of individuals both impacted by and involved in our federal aging policies, including: Kathy Greenlee, Administrator, Administration for Community Living/Assistant Secretary for Aging; Nora Super, Executive Director, White House Conference on Aging; Deborah Stone-Walls, Maui County Office on Aging, Wailuku, HI; Raven Heavy Runner, Muckleshoot Tribe, Pacific Northwest; and James Bulot, Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services, Atlanta, GA, among many others.  Together, we worked to create a cross-sector roadmap for the federal government, the aging network, LGBTQ+-serving organizations, data experts, and researchers, to enhance Aging Services Network outreach to LGBTQ+ older adults.