How Do Lack of Discrimination Protections Affect LGBTQ+ People & Their Families?

 In: Articles

Yesterday at the Persad Center, SAGE, Equality PA and the Center for American Progress released a new series of videos telling the stories of how the lack of discrimination protections in Pennsylvania affects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) people and their families in Pennsylvania.

Multiple polls show that more than 80% of Pennsylvanians agree that all people, including gay and transgender people, should be protected from discrimination at work, in housing, and in business and government services.  Despite this fact, a majority of Pennsylvanians are unaware that these protections don’t exist at the state or federal level.

The new videos will be used as part of a statewide campaign to educate Pennsylvanians about the PA Fairness Act, which would update the state’s laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity in current discrimination protections.

“People all over the state of Pennsylvania are shocked to learn that there are no basic discrimination protections for gay or transgender people in the workplace, housing, or business or government services at the state or federal level. That’s why we are working with our partners SAGE and Center for American Progress to educate the people of Pennsylvania and encourage them to take action,” said, Levana Layendecker, Deputy Director of Equality PA.

Michael Adams, Chief Executive Officer of SAGE, explained, “A growing body of research –and SAGE’s experience nationwide — decisively demonstrates how difficult it is for LGBTQ+ older people to find appropriate housing. For example, a national study last year documented that an astonishing 44% of LGBTQ+ older people applying for ‘senior housing’ face discrimination just because of who they are.”

The videos are available online and are being viewed in a series of watch parties around Pennsylvania where hundreds of attendees will view the videos and write letters to their state legislators. If you would like to take part or interested in learning more, please contact Levana Layendecker at