“I’m Worthy of Any Job I Want”

 In: Articles

SAGEWorks employment boot camps are two weeks long, a time commitment some people have trouble making because they don’t completely understand what they are signing up for.

Problem solved. Here are three employment boot camp graduates who quickly explain exactly what you can expect and what they got out of the boot camps.

Delyn starts dropping truth bombs right away: “I don’t like change but I’ve had to deal with change because I’m getting older, I wanted a job … I didn’t have a job.” Preach!

David was totally planning to bail on boot camp, you can see it in his twinkling eyes: “Well, you’re not exactly sure you’re really going to do two weeks.”

As for Sharon likening the loss of a job to a death of a loved one, we are going to chalk that up to her training in the dramatic arts.

All three videos can be found on SAGE USA’s YouTube channel.

— Jeff Stein, Communications Consultant, SAGEWorks