Make history with the SAGE AdvantAge Survey

 In: Announcements

Our community has hundreds of prominent trailblazers who sparked the LGBTQ+ equality movement and have helped shape history to create the world we live in today. But for every pioneer whose name appears in history books, there are a hundred more who remain nameless – those who joined protests, started dialogues, and fought to make history every day through the actions they took.

Today, we are living through a moment in history. Generations to come will look back on 2020 as an unprecedented year, but what will it be remembered for? As our community’s pioneers have shown us, history is not just lived, it is made. The actions each of us take, regardless of how big or small, compound to create an impact that can shape the course of this nation.

Collecting accurate and current data is the foundation for finding solutions that can lead to lasting change. The SAGE AdvantAge Survey is the first ever survey collecting data specifically on LGBTQ+ people over the age of 55 in NYC. By sharing your local experiences with healthcare, community services, transportation, and more, you can help us build a more age-friendly, LGBTQ+-inclusive city for generations to come.

This LGBTQ+ History Month, SAGE, Visiting Nurse Service on NY, and Lady Bunny ask you to make history by refusing to be invisible.

Take the survey now at