How LGBTQ+ Pioneers Continue to Inspire Change

“I came guarded when I came here with all my experiences,” Andrés reflected as he shared his early memories of moving into a Watermark community just two years ago. He continued with a hearty chuckle, “And then the drag queens came in. Oh my God! THE DRAG QUEENS CAME IN!” Seated in the front row, draped in a rainbow feather boa, and a smile from ear-to-ear during the community’s first-ever drag show, Andrés began to feel like it was safe to let his walls down.

In a world where acceptance should be the norm, the reality for many LGBTQ+ seniors like Andrés paints a stark picture of the challenges they face. Andrés, who bravely came out in his fifties, found himself feeling forced back into the shadows when he began exploring senior living communities. His experience underscores the harsh reality faced by many; one-third of LGBTQ+ older adults fear having to re-closet themselves when seeking senior housing due to fear of judgment and discrimination. However, amid these challenges, Andrés’ narrative took a profound turn when his retirement community extended an invitation to Pride Month programming — an act that not only invited acceptance but also ignited a newfound sense of belonging and authenticity. […]

Click here to read the full piece. This story was originally published by Senior Living News on June 18, 2024.