LGBTQ+ individuals have higher rates of cancer because of disparities in modifiable risk factors, ACS says

LGBTQ+ individuals have higher rates of cancer because of disparities in modifiable risk factors, ACS says ONS Voice [Oncology Nursing Society]; by Magdalen Millman; 4/18/24
About 7% of the U.S. population identifies as LGBTQ+, but understanding cancer in this population is difficult because surveillance data are limited to national surveys on risk factors and screening, the American Cancer Society (ACS) observed in a special section of its Cancer Facts and Figures 2024 report on cancer in the LGBTQ+ community. More than 50% of LGBTQ+ individuals have experienced harassment such as slurs, violence, microaggressions, and sexual harassment, even in healthcare settings. “One in 6 LGBTQ+ adults, and 1 in 5 transgender adults specifically, avoid health care due to previous discrimination,” ACS reported. It’s one factor implicated for the disparities affecting LGBTQ+ individuals’ access to cancer care, including prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care.  […]

Click here to read to the full piece. This story was originally published by Hospice and Palliative Care Today on April 21, 2024.