The New York Times’ Bias Continues to Endanger Transgender People

One year ago a coalition of more than 100 LGBTQ organizations and notables called out the New York Times’ pattern of publishing inaccurate, biased pieces about transgender people that are regularly used by extremist lawmakers and extremist organizations in court as justification for banning trans people from accessing best practice medical care.

GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) media advocacy organization, was among those in the coalition demanding better from the Times.

To date, the coalition has not received a response from the Times. The coalition had three asks of the newspaper, none of which appear to have been met.

Demands from the 100-plus organizations and notables (full list below) signed onto coalition letter on February 15, 2023:

  1. Stop printing biased anti-trans stories, immediately.
  2. Listen to trans people: hold a meeting with trans community leaders within two months.
  3. Hire at least four full-time trans writers and editors within three months. […]

Click here to read to the full piece. This story was originally published by Gay Sonoma on March 4, 2024.