SAGE Celebrates Major Victories for LGBTQ+ Veterans in New York State

Statewide Restoration of Honor Act signed, and new mental health supports created in New York City

[New York, NY] Continuing Veterans Day celebrations, SAGE is thrilled to mark the signing of groundbreaking legislation in New York State, as well as a significant expansion of mental health services for LGBTQ+ veterans in New York City.

SAGE applauds Governor Cuomo for signing the Restoration of Honor Act and commends the leadership of Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemblymember Didi Barrett for championing LGBTQ+ older New Yorkers who bravely served in the military at a time when they had to hide who they were. The Restoration of Honor Act will allow those who received a less than honorable discharge characterization due to their LGBTQ+ status to access the services and supports from the Veterans Administration in New York State to which they are entitled.

“Coming on the heels of Veterans Day, what a way to honor New York’s LGBTQ+ veterans,” said SAGE Executive Vice President Lynn Faria. “For too long, LGBTQ+ service members put their lives on the line only to suffer in silence under military policies that took a tremendous toll. Older LGBTQ+ veterans especially bore the burden of hiding and have suffered because of their lack of access to critical benefits. We know, through our statewide SAGEVets program, that accessing VA and other veteran services, is crucial to the well-being of these veterans.” Continued Faria, “Thanks to Governor Cuomo, and the work of Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemblymember Didi Barrett, older LGBTQ+ veterans will finally be able to secure the services they need and deserve.”

“As we celebrate this milestone legislation and the fact that lesbian, gay, and bisexual people can now openly serve in the military” Faria added, “we are keenly aware of the discriminatory policies that the Trump administration is perpetuating against transgender service members and transgender people who wish to join the military.  We look forward to a day when all people, including transgender people, can openly join and serve in the military.”

In addition, Mayor De Blasio announced yesterday a major expansion of mental health services available for New York City veterans through the Department of Veteran Services. Among these services include grants for legal services organizations that will help veterans challenge their discharge status, including LGBTQ+ veterans given less than honorable discharges due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. With an honorable discharge status, more veterans will be able to receive VA services previously denied to them, including mental health care.

“The Mayor’s announcement is another step forward for LGBTQ+ veterans in New York City,” said Faria. “The LGBTQ+ elder veterans who access our SAGEVets program, which supports and assists older LGBTQ+ veterans in accessing programs, will be greatly served by this legal support in upgrading their discharge status. Our older LGBTQ+ veterans now know that their city and state support their well-being and recognizes their service.”

SAGE looks forward to working with other states and localities to replicate this vital work with and on behalf of older LGBTQ+ veterans across the country.


SAGE is the world’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ+) older people. Founded in 1978 and headquartered in New York City, SAGE is a national organization that offers supportive services and consumer resources to LGBTQ+ older people and their caregivers. SAGE also advocates for public policy changes that address the needs of LGBTQ+ elders, provides education and technical assistance for aging providers and LGBTQ+ community organizations through its National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging, and cultural competency training through SAGECare. With staff located across the country, SAGE also coordinates SAGENet, a growing network of affiliates in the United States.