SAGE Proudly Stands with and By Stonewall House Residents

SAGE is proud to be a partner in New York State’s first LGBTQ+-friendly affordable elder housing — Stonewall House, located in Fort Greene Brooklyn.  This 100% affordable housing development will provide a safe space for some of our city’s most vulnerable – older people who cannot afford a place of their own. Future Stonewall House residents include formerly homeless New Yorkers (25%), NYCHA residents – and many identify as LGBTQ+ and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. The purpose of Stonewall House is to provide LGBTQ+-friendly affordable housing for older people who have experienced the violence of bigotry and exclusion from wealth accumulation. By providing affordable housing and onsite services, this development will create opportunities for people who have lived through historical patterns of exclusion due to sexual orientation, gender identity, and the intersections of race and class.

SAGE’s primary role is to run the on-site SAGE Center, a full-fledged community center that will provide programs and services not only for the residents of Stonewall House, but for all older people in the community.  The SAGE Center will be an inclusive space for all that brings the community together in an environment that welcomes and celebrates every older resident of the community who wants to participate in the broad array of activities and services.

Stonewall House is named to commemorate the Stonewall Uprising, a seminal moment 50 years ago that was led by people of color and transgender and gender non-conforming people. The vast majority (77%) of Stonewall House residents are people of color and many are members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies. The name of the building honors its residents.

As part of NYCHA’s NextGen 2.0 project, 54 apartments in Stonewall House are set aside for current NYCHA residents.  The number of apartments allocated to NYCHA residents was determined by New York City, not by SAGE.

SAGE has been working closely with the Ingersoll Tenants Association and many other local residents to learn from the community and develop strong relationships. Input from the community will inform the classes, workshops, and programs offered by the SAGE Center.

SAGE recognizes that we are working in the Fort Greene neighborhood amidst deep community fear of displacement due to legacies of redlining, segregation, and newer gentrification trends.  With deep humility, we are partnering with our neighbors in the Ingersoll Houses, local residents, and a broad array of community stakeholders to bring much-needed services to elders in the neighborhood and to address the failures of housing systems. The purpose of the SAGE Center is to ensure that all older people in the community have the services and programs they deserve.

We will continue to dialogue and partner with all community stakeholders interested in building a welcoming and inclusive community for all older people. We look forward to opening the doors of the SAGE Center and becoming part of the fabric of the Fort Greene community.

For a fact sheet on Stonewall House, click here.