SAGE Statement on President Biden Signing Respect for Marriage Act Into Law

The following statement can be attributed to SAGE CEO Michael Adams:

“I am grateful to the bipartisan efforts that went into passing the Respect for Marriage Act and for President Biden who has championed LGBTQ+ rights during his time in office. After facing lifetimes of discrimination and decades lacking legal and social recognition, LGBTQ+ elders have waited long enough for reliable protection of their right to marry under federal law. The signing of this landmark legislation not only protects same-sex couples; it also comes at a critical time as numerous states work to pass anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ laws that harm our LGBTQ+ community. The message must be loud and clear – LGBTQ+ people are entitled to the same dignity, rights and protections as all Americans. And we must all keep working until that goal is fully realized.”