SAGE Statement on Shooting at Club Q

We at SAGE are deeply saddened and outraged by the hateful and violent attack at Club Q in Colorado Springs and the tragic and senseless loss of more beautiful lives.  We send our solidarity and support for the victims of this terrible shooting and their loved ones, along with the entire Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ community. 

As our sage elders have taught us, hate and bigotry do not die easily, and history keeps repeating itself. LGBTQ+ bars and clubs that are places of refuge and celebration for our community have been targeted with hateful violence and deadly attacks for decades.  This country’s ever-growing culture of gun violence and extremism only increases the risks.  As we mark Transgender Day of Remembrance today and honor those we have lost, this attack reminds us that LGBTQ+ people and members of all marginalized communities are increasingly vulnerable to hate crimes and violence.  We will not rest until this hatred and violence is brought to an end, once and for all.  We urge elders in our LGBTQ+ community who may need emotional or other support at this time to call SAGE’s National LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline at 877-360-LGBTQ+(5428).