Your later queer years: coping with surviving and dying

Who knows what happens after we die? Many have faith that compels a belief in some sort of afterlife. Others believe we simply cease to exist.

The only certainty is that no one really knows what happens and, whether you have a large family, a committed husband, wife or partner and a huge circle of friends or not, someone will be left to pick up the pieces after you are gone. Unless you make plans, it could be someone you’ve never met.

It’s a grim topic for some, but many others simply view it as a reality that no one can escape: If you’re living on planet Earth, nobody gets out alive.

In most instances, when someone passes on, family members and/or loved ones will step in to take care of the necessary arrangements. But what if those people aren’t there?

During the worst days of the AIDS pandemic it wasn’t uncommon to find out after the death of a friend or an acquaintance they had no family or significant other who was prepared to claim their body and take responsibility for cremation or a burial. [..]

Click here to read the full piece. This story was originally published by Qnotes Carolinas on August 4, 2023.