SAGEServes Volunteer Spotlight: Q&A with Peter Pagano
Meert long-time SAGE volunteer Peter Pagano. He has served our mission and members since 2016! Thank you for your commitment to our elders, Peter.
1. Tell us about yourself (name, pronouns, where you’re from, a bit about who you are outside of volunteering)!
“I’m Peter, and I was born in the Bronx. I use he/him pronouns. I’m a Star Trek and Halloween superfan, avid reader, horrible dancer, and mediocre painter.”
2. As a volunteer, what do you do and what is your favorite part of volunteering with SAGE?
“I mostly volunteer for Tuesday night dinner service, under the quiet dignity of Bob Gurecki. But I have also volunteered for various socials and ad hoc events. My favorite part of volunteering is getting to work with the wonderful SAGE staff and interacting with the colorful and always entertaining SAGE patrons. As a half Italian, I also really enjoy feeding people, so dinner service is perfect for me.”
3. How long have you been volunteering at SAGE?
“The first patron I served was Methusaleh, I think. But I believe I first started as part of a corporate volunteer group for dinner service around 9 years ago. I have since volunteered just about once a week (except during the pandemic). This is not including socials, which I try to do a few times a year.”
4. How did you first hear of SAGE?
“Through an LGBTQ+ resources group with a previous employer. I had seen SAGE as part of the Pride parade once, and it stuck in my mind.”
5. What does volunteering at SAGE mean to you?
“To me, volunteering is a great way to make the world a little better and to combat cynicism with useful activity. I love volunteering because while sometimes the work is tiring, I never fail to leave SAGE feeling like I got more from the experience than I contributed.”
6. How has your experience volunteering with our older adult members enriched your understanding of LGBTQIA+ community?
“I had minimal experience of socializing with LGBTQ+ elders before SAGE. Volunteering at SAGE simply brings color and depth to the idea of what it means to be an LGBTQ+ elder, or even an elder in general. It provided me with a perspective from a time I’d only previously read about in books. It also gave me optimism about what might be ahead as I get older.”
7. How do you balance volunteering with SAGE and other parts of your life?
“To be honest, I make sure to prioritize SAGE on Tuesdays. I have worked with my managers at both companies I’ve worked at during this time to allow me time to attend dinner service. For the socials, I volunteer when I can because I consider volunteering to be an essential part of my world outlook, as well as part of my self-care.”
This interview was edited for clarity and length.