LGBTQ+ Programming for Older Adults: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide
Publish date: 2017Source: National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Topics: Cultural Competency

Offering programs that address the needs and interests of LGBTQ+ older people is one concrete step that service providers can take to create welcoming, safe and LGBTQ+-affirming spaces, where all LGBTQ+ older adults can be their authentic selves, just like their peers. One of the easiest ways to demonstrate that your agency is open to working with LGBTQ+ elders is to offer programs that are for and/or about LGBTQ+ older people and the issues they care about. It provides LGBTQ+ clients a physical gathering space where they can share common experiences and build community. It can also help to educate staff and other clients on LGBTQ+ issues, helping to build understanding and create a more welcoming environment for all clients. LGBTQ+-specific programming also demonstrates to other service agencies in your community that your agency is open to broader diversity principles.