Facing the Future Together: FAQs, Guidance & Resources for LGBTQ+ Elders

 In: Articles, We Refuse to Be Invisible

Since the Inauguration, our community has faced a heightened wave of deliberate and deeply troubling attacks. One glaring example is the quiet but harmful removal of critical LGBTQ+ resources from federal websites — erasing vital information that so many rely on for support, safety, and advocacy. 

Some examples include: 

  • Equal Access Rule tools and resources and grants and tools for fair housing organizations have been erased. 
  • Publications and data surrounding LGBTQI+ homeless youth, young adults, service providers and more have been removed. 
  • Resources to report LGBTQI+ discrimination and to seek shelter for LGBTQI+ homeless folks are gone. 

This list is not exhaustive, and it will unfortunately keep growing. But one thing is for certain: We are not victims. No matter what, we will NOT be erased. WE REFUSE TO BE INVISIBLE! 

That’s why SAGE and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation partnered to produce Facing the Future Together: FAQ’s, Guidance & Resource for LGBTQ+ Older Adults. This guide acts as a safe, dependable hub filled with carefully vetted community, healthcare, financial, safety, and legal resources.  

We share these resources in the spirit of resilience and perseverance that our elders have ingrained into the foundation of our community. During these challenging times, LGBTQ+ people must remember that we are bold, proud, and courageous — and we’re not going anywhere. 

SAGE and the HRC hope you’ll find comfort in knowing we are in your corner. Let’s lean on our community’s learned wisdom, strength, and ingenuity to persist through these challenging times. Please share this guide with your networks and join us in declaring #WeRefuseToBeInvisible across social media!