Last June, SAGE announced the eight recipients of its Equity Innovation Lab (EIL) program for 2024. This program offers financial and technical support to uplift marginalized and historically [...]
Since the Inauguration, our community has faced a heightened wave of deliberate and deeply troubling attacks. One glaring example is the quiet but harmful removal of critical LGBTQ+ resources [...]
SAGE is saddened to share the recent passing of Ruby Juster earlier this month. Ruby was a beloved community member, and she uplifted our community in so many ways. She served as a SAGE Board [...]
Throughout December at SAGE, we observe HIV/AIDS Awareness Month. Our community commemorates this month to spread awareness, remember those who have passed away, and support those who are still [...]
Almost one in five transgender people are either serving in the military or are veterans, yet our community members still face steep barriers to care. At SAGE, we believe all of our LGBTQ+ elders [...]
Election Day 2024 is quickly approaching. Do you have a voting plan? Before you hit the polls, make sure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions. According to the Human [...]
Here at SAGE, we know that stories hold power — they can undoubtedly change hearts and open minds. Our community is full of rich history that is far too often overlooked. In this spirit, we are [...]
Today, our community is recognizing National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAD). According to, we commemorate this day every year on September 18 to draw attention to those living [...]
In June, SAGE announced the eight recipients of its Equity Innovation Lab (EIL) program for 2024. This program offers financial and technical support to uplift marginalized and historically [...]
According to new data from the Human Rights Campaign, LGTBQ+ adults in the United States — especially transgender and non-binary individuals — are more likely to feel financially insecure. Almost [...]
By Terri L. Wilder Each year, the world recognizes Zero HIV Stigma Day on July 21 to commemorate the birthday of activist Prudence Mabele. In 1992, Mabele became the first woman in South Africa [...]
A Q&A about HIV testing with LGBTQ+ elder Jeff Weinstein Since 1995, National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is recognized annually on June 27. According to, the purpose of NHTD is to raise [...]
Celebrate our LGBTQ+ elder pioneers with Letters to SAGE! SAGE welcomes you and/or your company to celebrate our LGBTQ+ elder pioneers with Letters to SAGE. It’s simple: write two cards, mail one [...]
LGBTQ+ older people across Illinois are struggling to get the healthcare, financial security and caregiving support they desperately need, according to a new report from AARP Illinois and SAGE. [...]
On March 16, 2020, SAGE’s LGBTQ+ elder centers across New York’s usually bustling boroughs did not open their doors. Like so many other non-profit organizations and businesses forced [...]
Across the country, LGBTQ+ elders are living fully by reinvesting their talents, expertise, hard work, and passion into the communities they love. In celebration of Older Americans Month, we’re [...]
You have a chance to ask the Biden administration to once again collect data on the needs of transgender elders. Every year, the federal government conducts a survey on whether we are meeting the [...]
The LGBTQ+ community has always known how to come together and take care of our own. That’s why, in honor of National Honor Our Elders Day, we are bringing together Chicago’s vast [...]
As the final piece of our Black History Month series, we are sharing insight from noted trans activist and icon Gloria Allen, most commonly and affectionately known as Mama Gloria. Mama Gloria [...]
Building upon our Black History Month series, we are excited to share about long-time activist and SAGE supporter Donald Bell. This month, SAGE has been asking members of the community to [...]