Thanks to all who helped defeat Trump’s so-called healthcare bill!

 In: Announcements

Dear Friends,

Two weeks ago, SAGE asked you to tell Congress to oppose the so-called American Health Care Act. You spoke up – loudly and clearly. Thanks to you, and to thousands of other outraged Americans, we stopped this dangerous legislation in its tracks.Last Friday, we were victorious. But there is so much work ahead.

Just last week we learned that the federal government’s leading survey about publicly funded elder services – the National Survey of Older Americans Acts Participants – has completely eliminated questions that allowed people to identify as LGBTQ+. SAGE fought for years for LGBTQ+ older people to be included in this vital survey that informs $2 billion in spending on critical elder services.

We only have until May 12 to tell the administration, that “we refuse to be invisible!”  Click here to make your voice heard, and tell the Trump administration that LGBTQ+ elders count.

Thank you for your activism!
Michael Adams, CEO