The Secret to a Long Life

 In: Articles

When the New York Times asked for videos that capture the secrets that adults over 85 had for living a long life, SAGE jumped in to action to ensure that LGBTQ+ older adults were featured.  In this compilation by the Times, four of our constituents were featured.

Starting at 1:13, Jerre Kalbas, 97, stated “hard work.” Richard Morse, 90, said “Don’t stop breathing. Don’t kvetch and respect others for who they are.” Joe Easter, 87, spoke of a passion for painting that “keeps him [me] going.” Catherine Cumberbatch, 93 and pictured above, offered this: “Be aware of the pleasure that you get when you give something or do something for people that really need it.”  

With Catherine’s words in mind, we ask you to take three minutes to complete SAGE’s Strategic Plan survey that will inform our work for years to come. We are soliciting input from all of our valued stakeholders and community members in order to bring LGBTQ+ elders from the margins to the middle. Allies and people under 50 are welcome, so please take the survey and share widely!