Webinar Shares Expert Advice on Reaching LGBTQ+ Elders This Vaccination Season

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Content sponsored by Risk Less, Do More

Why are COVID, Flu and RSV vaccinations important to LGBTQ+ older people? How can we help ensure high vaccination rates among LGBTQ+ elders? A recent webinar with the federal Health and Human Services and LGBTQ+ advocates answered these questions and more. On November 18, SAGE and the Risk Less, Do More campaign co-hosted Reaching LGBTQ+ Elders This Vaccination Season!

The webinar featured a panel discussion with partners from MiGen, Waves Ahead and the federal Health and Human Services discussing the importance of vaccinations for LGBTQ+ communities. The panelists explained why older people need to stay up to date with COVID, Flu and RSV vaccines, and shared outreach and engagement strategies to reach marginalized communities.

During the discussion, Wilfred Labiosa, Executive Director of WavesAhead, explained how they’re making a difference by providing culturally competent vaccinations to LGBTQ+ elders across Puerto Rico. Program Director Kat Hutton from MiGen shares the exciting and creative ways they’re boosting vaccination efforts among LGBTQ+ older people in Michigan, including a fashion show and photo campaigns and beyond. Jane Haskell, Director of Collaborations at SAGE, and Gerontologist and Lieutenant Commander Israel Cross of HHS emphasized the power of vaccination in building community and protecting those who are immunocompromised.

Watch the entire webinar here.