Working in Solidarity with Advocates Around the Globe

Around the world, LGBTQ+ elders experience rampant human rights violations based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and the stigma of ageism. While the specifics of LGBTQ+ aging vary from country to country and region to region, older members of LGBTQ+ communities commonly face widespread discrimination in care, services, and housing, and are at acute risk for severe social isolation and economic insecurity.

The LGBTI Elders Advancing Initiative

Created in partnership with OutRight International, Mitini Nepal, EnGendeRights, CIPAC, and grassroots organizers in El Salvador, the LGBTI Elders Advancing Initiative is expanding human rights protections and social and economic inclusion around the globe with particular focus on older lesbians, transgender, gender non-binary, and intersex people.

With elder-driven strategies at its core, we’re supporting LGBTI older people in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nepal, and the Philippines by:

  1. Cultivating country-based data collection, documentation, and publications on the experiences and needs of LGBTI elders
  2. Supporting civil society organizations that serve and empower LGBTI elders
  3. Advocating for national policy reform agendas that prioritize LGBTI discrimination protections and health equity

Public Attitudes Toward Aging Sexual and Gender Minorities Around the World

Partner with us!

SAGE believes strongly in a flexible partnership model and seeks to collaborate cross-culturally with grassroots civil society organizations, independent advocates, passionate professionals, and governmental bodies. Some common ways SAGE partners with others on the international stage are:

Speaking Engagements

SAGE’s staff work hard to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ elders and the unique experiences they face while aging through conferences, panels, podcasts, and more. SAGE’s CEO, Michael Adams, joined Manodiversa of Bolivia, CIPAC of Costa Rica, and ESMULES of El Salvador to secure the first public hearing of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights focused on LGBTQ+ older people. SAGE was also proud to organize and present the first plenary sessions and town hall meetings focused on LGBTQ+ elders at the Global Conference of the International Federation on Ageing. If you are looking for individuals to discuss the intersection of LGBTQ+ rights and aging, reach out!

Research and Publications

Experts on staff are always open to contributing to or co-authoring exciting new publications and supporting or facilitating research and data collection on topics related to LGBTQ+ aging. Check out the chapter on LGBTQ+ aging that Michael Adams, SAGE’s CEO, wrote  in the Brazilian Anthology Introdução às velhices LGBTIIntroduction to LGBTI Aging Diversity.

Engaging corporate change-makers

Do you represent a corporation or foundation that is interested in supporting LGBTQ+ elders worldwide? Reach out! In 2022, SAGE secured corporate partnerships with JP Morgan Chase, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson to support LGBTQ+ global aging initiatives.

Have a partnership idea?

Interested in learning more about our work, collaborating on a project, or partnering with us in some other way?

  • Partners at CIPAC

    Our LGBTI elders have shared that being part of this initiative has encouraged them to build more social support networks and start speaking openly about their shared experiences of aging. Not only are our older adults growing in their ability to advocate for their own needs, but they are also building friendship, solidarity and trust among their peers.

    — Partners at CIPAC