The National Housing Initiative is now offering trainings for housing developers, property management, and service providers interested in developing LGBTQ-affirming affordable elder housing. Trainings will focus on the development, management, and service provision needs specific to this type of housing, as well as ways to build your unique competitive edge in the field.

Training objectives include:

  • Understand the foundations of fair housing law
  • Understand the benefits of using the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and financing resources
  • Recognize the benefits of working with an anchor organization to develop, usually a community-based org or nonprofit, and how to identify and work with one
  • Demonstrate the importance of understanding the clinical and cultural needs of this population—and why it is in your best interest to do so!
  • Identify how to build trust with the community and build buy-in
  • Understand your unique competitive edge in building this type of housing

Training modules are all free, courtesy of Wells Fargo and the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. Each module will run between 15 and 35 minutes and will be accessed through our online learning management platform. Please complete the training request form below and choose the modules that you would like to take from the menu. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation email with detailed training enrollment instructions. You will have one month to complete the training modules at your own pace.

Intentional design and physical infrastructure are more than brick and mortar. They are ways to address clinical and social needs, so you need to understand the residents’ needs if the project is to be successful. Learn what questions to ask, and who to consult, to make sure your building is trauma-informed and LGBTQ-affirming from a design perspective to best serve the aging and cultural needs of the community.

While property management teams are not clinicians, they must be trained in cultural competency to provide comprehensive service, keep people housed, and grow your competitive edge as a leader in the field. Explore the unique needs of LGBTQ+ older adults and the intersections of diverse communities in your residences through the role of property management, including tips for building affirming residences accordingly. You will receive best practices to help create a supportive environment for a diverse population.

Due to the growing market of LGBTQ+ elders in need of affordable housing, increased visibility of this population, and a culture shift towards trauma-informed care and equity in housing, the development of LGBTQ-affirming senior housing is becoming more appealing and is a burgeoning arena to expand your work. Come learn about the unique competitive edge developing LGBTQ-affirming senior housing can bring to you and your agency, as well as the growing need in the market. We will explore some of the models of LGBTQ-affirming senior housing that exist across the country and their unique amenities.

A critical factor in housing development involves adhering to the regulations and parameters of fair housing law, including protected classes, prohibited activities, and accessibility. This is particularly important in cultivating affirming housing communities under the stipulations of legal requirements. Learn about The Fair Housing Act of 1968 and how it informs and regulates LGBTQ-affirming affordable housing development today.

Your housing marketing and press engagement require research of the community landscape, data on where you need to reach folks, and framing based on your intended audience. Building upon the foundations of the Fair Housing Act, come explore key considerations to ensure your LGBTQ-affirming housing development follows fair housing regulations through affirmative marketing and outreach strategies. You’ll see some model marketing ads to inform your own outreach strategy!

“LGBTQ-affirming” means housing that provides a welcoming environment of community, peers, and allies, often including voluntary culturally competent services. Learn about the unique needs of LGBTQ+ older adults and some tips for responding to bias or negative behavior between roommates or neighbors, as well as some culturally relevant best practices to help create a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ residents. Review language, terminology, and collective history to develop an affirming approach to your work.

What LIHTC, and what do you need to know? This major funding piece subsidizes the development of affordable housing as an incentive for developers and investors. Learn about the history, eligibility, and purpose of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in developing your residence. Thanks to the generous support of the National Equity Fund for their comprehensive content development in this module!

Who are the key players in your project, and are they on the same page? Partnerships can be one of the first and most important components of your affordable housing development—especially in maintaining mission alignment and long-term vision. Come learn about the importance of choosing your partners wisely—namely, the developer, property manager, and service provider. Explore strategies for role definition, clarification, and alignment along the way.

Developing LGBTQ-affirming senior housing starts with some primary stakeholders: members of the community. Building political buy-in is crucial, and identifying eligible residents in the neighborhood must start early. But which communities should you engage, persuade, and most importantly, house? Explore the key relationships to build, tactics to cultivate community buy-in, and tenant engagement strategies in the planning process.

Sign up to start your trainings here!

National LGBTQ+ Elder Housing Initiative Trainings 

Thank you for your interest in participating in our training modules! Please register below and further details will be sent to your email. 

These trainings are made possible with the generous support of Wells Fargo and the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation.
